Saturday, March 26, 2011

Labor of Love . . . Seriously

Fiona was due on March 14, 2011. The doctor had been wanting to induce me for a few weeks because of her size, but my body wasn't doing anything. To prevent me from having to have a C-section, we waited. On the 14th after not feeling well for a few days, it was discovered that my blood pressure was high. I was sent directly from the doctor's office to the hospital. Chip was in surgery when I got the news. It was a crazy time! I rushed home to grab everything we needed and then my mother-in-law drove me to the hospital. My mom was at work in Dallas trying to get off and come home.

Last Belly Photo

Induction Started!

The induction started that night and come Tuesday morning, my body still wasn't cooperating so they started the pitocin. Now, I would just like to mention that they had to stick me 4 times to try and get an IV, 3 times to try and get an epidural and 2 times to draw blood. I was not a happy camper. I would also like to mention that my last meal was Monday night.

We went through Tuesday expecting a baby but nothing happened. They began mentally and emotionally preparing me for a C-section. The doctor who was taking care of me decided to give me until the next morning, Wednesday the 16th, to see if my body would kick in. Finally at 2 in the morning on Wednesday, I had dilated to 5 cm and 4 hours later I was at 10. I pushed for a little over 2 hours and at 7:14 am our 9lb 3oz, 20.5 in long bundle of joy arrived.

Welcome to the world Fiona Rosemary Hull!

So, I had been in labor for more than 24 hours by the time all was said and done. Yes it was difficult, but as I look into that face, I know it was totally worth it.

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